Date: 07/25/2023
Conditions: The weather is in the upper 80°f for the week. Mostly sunny with the chance of rain throughout the week.
Fishing Report:
Species: Kokanee
- Fishing is: Good
- Location: Strawberry
- Depth: 10′ down in the water, 50′ out from the boat.
- What to use: Green/Yellow or Pink flasher, with a pink squid tipped with a pink or green Berkley maggot.
- Technique: Trolling at .9 MPH to 1.5 MPH.
- Additional Comments: Kokanee fishing has a learning curve. We recommend using down riggers for best results, but a leaded line can also be used.
Species: Rainbow & Cutthroat Trout
- Fishing is: Good
- Location: Strawberry and Soldier Creek
- Depth: fishing in about 25′ – 30′ of water.
- What to use: Rainbow Garlic or Corn Yellow Power bait on a treble hook.
- Technique: Bait fishing from a boat is best, although you can fish from the shore.